
Welcome to BAM!

As the governing body of Malaysia’s most beloved sport, Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) takes pride in spearheading the sustained and continuous development of the game in accordance with the long-standing vision of achieving consistent triumphs on the world stage.

BAM was established in Kuala Lumpur on 11 November 1934 under the name of Badminton Association of Malaya. The Association is recognized and affiliated to world governing body, Badminton World Federation (BWF), regional governing body, Badminton Asia (BA) and also the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM). BAM is also registered with the Sports Commissioner of Malaysia under the Sports Development Act 1997 as per the Laws of Malaysia.


Badminton will be a vibrant and popular sport in Malaysia that contributes towards nation building and social development by reaching out to all Malaysians in its pursuit of glory for the country.


  • To have a big pool of world class players
  • To lift the standard of women players to that of China and Korea
  • To have a bigger pool of back-up players for the men's team and the women's team
  • To ensure consistent success in the international arena
  • To develop a big pool of qualified international coaches and technical officials
  • To implement development programmes from grassroots to national level
  • To own fully integrated training centres at both national and state level
  • To make badminton 'the sport' of the country

To encourage, promote and control the game of Badminton in Malaysia

To manage and control badminton championships and competitions organised by BAM or by any approved body on behalf of BAM, BWF or BAC

To ensure observance of rules and regulations in all state, national or international competitions organised in Malaysia

To settle or adjudicate all disputes of affiliates

To formulate, implement and enforce such Rules, Standing Orders, Bye-Laws and Regulations made tunder the BAM Constitution