Personal Info Performance Men's Doubles Partner Man Wei Chong Date of Birth 17 April 2000 Place of Birth Melaka News 26 Jan #INDONESIAMASTERS2025 MAN-TEE END MALAYSIA'S TITLE DROUGHT World No. 15 Oct #ARCTICOPEN2023 MALAYSIA CAME UP SHORT IN DOUBLE TITLE BID Malaysia's quest for double victory at the Arctic Open came up short, with Man Wei Chong and Tee Kai Wun falling in the 25 Jun #TAIPEIOPEN2023 MALAYSIA COMPLETE THE DOUBLE After a period of 19 years, the Malaysia national team completed the double swoop at the Taipei Open 2023. 18 May SEA GAMES 21: MALAYSIA MEN'S TEAM FINISHES WITH SILVER A young Malaysian team lost 0-3 in the SEA Games men's team event final to Thailand who clinched their first team g